torque spec. s on the power steering pump bolts. idler Thanks again Tbelt went in well, I am now looking for torque spec. 's on the power steering pump bolts, serp. belt tensioner bolts and the serp. There are three bolts that secure the pulley onto the water pump. For the coolant pump housing it is not too clear how many bolts are used but the torque spec is also 18 Nm (Newton Metre) or 13. New Bolts Required, New Torque Specification on HFV6 Water Pump July 2, 2012 A new water pump fastening procedure has been implemented on all High Feature V6 engines (2. 6L) on all models ( model years) to help reduce the potential for water pump gasket leaks. I have the new water pump on but not finished because I found that the water pump pulley has a harline crack. Anyway, I am curious to know a coupla things: 1. Is Locktite required for any of the bolts for this service? I've only read one writeup which mentioned using thread locker. I looked at my water pump bolts and they didn't appear to have any thread locker residue. Can anyone give me the torque's values for the four water pump mount bolts. Seems as both my books show how to rebuild a water pump but no. 61 kits found for Water Pump Pulley Bolts: Page 1 of 3 Next Last: Didn't find the kit you were looking for? 450 with starter nose, 8740, black oxide, hex. 500, 8740, black oxide, hex (fits 0. Torque for the 6 water pump bolts (round 1) is 11 ftlb then (round 2) is 22 ftlb. The belt tensioner 3 bolts is 37 ftlb. As per the manual (sorta): Disconnect the purge hose coming from the air intake warming flange at the radiator. Disconnect the upper radiator hose. Miata Torque Specifications (Originally compiled by the San Diego Miata Club ) Except where noted, all torque specifications listed are in Footpounds Newtonmeters. Torque specs for fanclutchwater pump So I replaced the water pump in my truck today and was looking around and couldn't find any torque specs for the water pump. But in the process I found more then one person has broken a bolt off into the block. ok so the interwebz are not giving me consistent answers on this one. I need to swap the pump on my 2001 XJ I6 4. I assume the pulley bolts are specific (and i think i saw those need to be 18 but only in one place) and i guess removing the fan will also be helpful so does that need a specific torque. It is true that the three bolts and two nuts that secure the engine coolant pump should be tightened to 8. 1 ftlb while the three pulley bolts should be tightened to. The water pump bolts, studs, nuts are made from ARP 8740 chrome moly steel. They are nominally rated at a 180, 000psi tensile strength a fair margin sturdier than standard Grade 8 hardware significantly stronger than the factory pieces. specifications toyota tacoma pickup truck what is flywheel bolt torque 34 toyota 11 months ago torque specs the water pump bolts and the water pump pulley bolts you can back off each bolt one at a time water pump torque specs 2008 toyota sequoia water pump torque specs 2007 toyota tundra the correct Register Log In Home Page and Articles Forums Forum water pump torque spec Forums Active Threads Forum Help Pennzoil Synthetics Recent Topics Step 1: Install and final torque the high pressure fuel injetion pump to 45 lbft (61 Nm). Step 2: Install the pump cover gasket and make electrical connections between the pump and gasket. Install the pump cover and fasten the bolts. Also the torque spec I see in the FAQ mentioned above is the top timing cover to the lower timing cover, not the water pump. The M8 and M6 reference below that is for the distributor flange to head. Correct if I am reading that incorrectly please. Install the water pump pulley and bolts and torque to 18 ft. Install the remaining components in the reverse order of the removal process. When refilling the cooling system, use the proper mix of DEXCOOL and water. Torque in this sequence: Torx and 15mm headed bolts 30ft lbs. The 7, 10 mm hex nuts 5 ft lbs. Take note not to overtighten as this will damage the. Ford water pump bolts are highperformance, safe, and a nice addition to improve your passenger car or truck with the proper parts and accessories. Mechanics recognize the construction and design of these Ford water pump bolts. Replacing the old tried and true small block Chevy engine with a new version would not be an easy task. The new small block is known as the LS engine family and has more than successfully replaced 350's and 305's that were based in design from the 1950's. Is very important that the bolts on the water pump are properly torque for several reasons to make sure that you don't stretch the bolts and any change in temperature can break them but also that. Water pump drive belt pulley and bolts (if applicable). Tighten the bolts to 89 inch lbs. (10 Nm) for the first pass; then tighten to 18 ft. Surge tank hose Does anyone know what the torque spec is on the water pump bolts? I am in the process of killing kdp so I may as well do the water pump as everything is apart. TIA Eric EricB, Mar 13, 2007# 1. Mounting bolts 18 ft lbs danavilla, Mar 13, 2007# 2. If the water pump is cast iron use the full torque specification. If the water pump is alloy then reduce the torque spec 10 Below is an example of a general purpose bolt nut torque chart 10 kits found for Water Pump Bolts: Didn't find the kit you were looking for? Chevrolet Small Block 12pt Short. OK, I got the water pump off my 1990 IDI with 175k miles, took most of the day with the rent tools. Good grief, I expected the front and rear bumper to also mount to the water pump but anyway, I can't find a torque setting for any of the water pump bolts. HI, can anyone help me with the torque settings for bolts that fix the water pump front cover. I have tracked down a leak to the o ring seal to the front cover. When I get a new o ring the torque settings for the bolts will save me from over tightening. So far I have removed all the plastic and checked possible causes of leaks that have been posted by other owners on the forum. 3) Head bolts that enter the water jacket of the engine should have sealer applied to the threads. Bolts that enter blind holes should be lightly oiled. Torque Tables 2009 FederalMogul Corporation. see the following Installation Tips for more information on torquetoyield bolts. The Torque Sequence column shows which diagram to use as the specific bolt torquing sequence for your engine. All diagrams can be found in numerical sequence TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS (7. 3L With PressIn Studs Rocker Stud 35 (47) Rocker Nut 18 (25) 4. 3L With ScrewIn Studs Rocker Stud 35 (47) sb bb chevy water pump pulley bolt kit. have beveled edges for a seamless look on your water pump pulley. for use when using electric fan you will need these bolts as they will sit flush on the wate I was installing the water pump today and followed the TM to the letter. It occurred to meafter I was done and had torqued everything of course that the TM only specifies pipe sealant on 1 stud that threads into the head below the water jacket on the drivers side as well as the 4 bolts and 2 studs that bolt the water pump plate to the timing cover. Cylinder Head Bolts Main Bearing Bolts Rod Brearing Bolts Crankshaft Damper Bolts Flywheel Bolts Manifold Fig. Back to Top Water Pump; FIND A REPAIR SHOP For The Professional Log In Hello All, I'm about to replace a water pump on my 1997 Tacoma 2. 4l 2WD automatic transmission truck. I have searched the internet high and low, and sadly my Haynes manual does not list torque values for the water pump bolts. For the new water pump bolts, considering they are steel in aluminum, in a poor accessible place, one should not use the generic data but rather find a proper torque value from a BMW shop manual. Please, post the new value of torque once you have it. m) Oil Pump Driven Gear Nut 74 (100) Oil Pump Gear Cover Bolt 15 (21) Oil Strainer BoltsNut 18 (25) Piston Cooling Nozzle Eye Bolt 15 (21) Hi all, Recently I changed the water pump with a new gasket(all genuine parts). According to service manual, I should tighten bolts in two stages: first 12N. Hi Mlyeager, The manual lists the proper torque for the water pump mounting bolts. Step 1 is 132 inchlbs, Step 2 is 22 footlbs. I'm not sure where you're seeing the drivebelt tensioner mounting bolt torque spec, but those bolts should be tightened to. Ford Engine Bolt Torque Chart Bolt Torque Spec Chart for Ford Engines These specs are for stocktype bolts with light engine oil applied to the threads and the underside of the bolt head. water pump bolt torque specs 2000 328imanual tranny Can someone please post the torque specs for the following bolts: Water pump to engine Pulley to pump Tstat to engine Tesioneridle pulleys My Bentley is packed away in a box somewhere in storage so I'm kinda without this info at the moment. Over 6, 000 Automotive Torque Specs. Search Car Torque Specifications by Engine or Model Torque Spec Database. Click on One of the Links Below. Torque Specifications for Chrysler 5. 9L360ciV8: Bell Housing To Engine Block Water Pump To Engine Block 30 FtLbs 360. Jeep LibertyTorque Specs Socket Sizes. From Wikibooks, open books for an open world Jeep Liberty. Thermostat Housing Bolts 8mm: 9 lbsft Water Pump Bolts 13mm: 40 lbsft (Tighten in Star Pattern to 20 lbsft, then 30, then 40) Steering. Socket Size Torque Spec Rack Pinion Frame Mount Water pump to crankcase 25 early models(CBB) Water pump to crankcase 17 later models (RBB) Pump adaptor to housing bolts 17 to 32 automatic transmission Pump adaptor to transmission case 8 to 18 automatic transmission MGB Torque Settings. Over 6, 000 Automotive Torque Specs. Search Car Torque Specifications by Engine or Model The water pump requires 5. 5 footpounds of torque to connect with the engine block. Crankshaft The connecting rod bolts to the crankshaft with 29 footpounds of torque applied in two steps. Duramax Torque Specifications Part Standard Metric Water Outlet Bolts 18 lb ft 25 Nm Water Pump Bolt 18 lb ft 25 Nm Water Pump Inlet Pipe Bolts 18 lb ft 25 Nm Chassis Torque Specs Wheel Hub Assembly to Knuckle Bolts 133 lb ft Lower Ball Joint Nut 74 lb ft Finally purchased all parts at the local Volvo dealer (got 15 discount) to replace TB on my S70 1998. I also bought a new water pump. tensioner (20Nm) and idler pulley (24Nm), but cannot find specs for the water pump. install water pump assembly (a) Install a new water pump gasket and the water pump assembly with the 16 bolts. Torque: Bolt A 21 Nm (214 kgfcm, 15 ft. lbf) The maximum tightening torques are: Only applicable to shaft screws with metric standard and fine threads acc. to DIN 13, sheet 13 and nuts with height of 0, 8 x d acc. to DIN 934 and only for a Replace, wash and oil cylinder head bolts. M30 torque 60 Nm settling time 20 min Torque specs the water pump bolts and the water pump pulley bolts Answered by a verified Dodge Mechanic. We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. I am changing the water pump and need to know the torque specifications for.