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Konnichiwa konnichiwa, Planeshunter desu! Alright, time for some answers before we get into the chapter. First of all, I'd like to remind you guys we don't have an omniscient narrator in this story. Spiritual Paradoxes, 1of2 The Upside Down Spiritual World Jesus Christ Himself gave His life in loving selfsacrifice for us. The Apostle Paul died to his own desires in order to please Christ, renouncing everything including his pride and suffered in order to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ. It Struck me the other day that the 2008 Financial Crisis was shunted off the agenda when Libya went hot in 2011. The Causes of and remedies to the 2008 Melt Down have similarly been obviscated and memoryholed in equal measure. DDay Sacrifice It was the biggest air and naval fleet in history to take off for France to free Europe from Nazi Germanys clutches. As World War II entered its fifth year of combat, and despite setbacks in Russia, the power of Germany remained so strong that the Anglo American Allies had to recruit 2 million men all ready to sacrifice.